Do you want to know what type of paint is best for interior walls? A new wall paint brings a breath of fresh air into the apartment. Depending on the room, a new coat of paint is due every five years – a strenuous task that can be made easier by choosing the right color.
The choice of wall paints is huge, and the price range is wide. The brand and price are by no means always an indication of quality. Discover how to recognize a good color, what natural colors are, and when to use latex paint.
Those are important features when you choose a wall paint for painting.
Furthermore, it is not easy for consumers to keep track of all the colors and their respective properties. Sometimes even one and the same color is sold at different prices under several brand names.
What Type of Paint Is Best For Interior Walls – Price and Brand Name Mean Nothing
Consumers can only be advised to look very carefully at the information on ingredients, coverage and range. Are any of these important details are missing from the packaging?
Do you lack experience with the product in question? Then it is better to choose a different wall color to be on the safe side. Good color is not necessarily a matter of money. A good painting result can also be achieved with inexpensive paints.
But it’s no fun making the right choice of ace in the DIY store. All buckets look the same, their contents on the wall too – at first. However, not every color can withstand the moisture in the bathroom and kitchen, or a rain shower outside.
Best Type of Paint For Interior Walls – Dispersion Paints Most Frequently
Buckets of wall and ceiling paint are piling up in DIY stores, and most of them are dispersion paints. These are viscous paints consisting of an emulsion of binding agents, solvents with pigments, and various additives. They are colored by so-called full tones, which are added.
For particularly heavily used surfaces in hallways or kitchens, the so-called latex paints are often used.
Best Paint For Interior Walls – Latex Paint No Longer Contains Latex
Although they now no longer contain rubber as a binding agent, the name “latex paint” has been retained for the washable, hard-wearing dispersion paints. Instead of using latex, the resistance is nowadays achieved by a higher proportion of synthetic resins.
They are permeable to water vapor, particularly resistant to abrasion, and insensitive to conventional cleaning agents.
Painting over Latex Paint
Another advantage of latex paint is its thin layer thickness. This means that the structure is well preserved during painting. However, the washable surface cannot be easily repainted with every wall paint.
While matt latex paint can easily be painted over with quality paint, the high-gloss version should be lightly sanded before repainting to improve the adhesion of the paint.
Choose Natural Colors to Match the Substrate
Another product segment is natural paints, which usually have to be mixed with water. Here too, there are tinting powders in all nuances. The ingredients are natural earth, ultramarine, pigments, and ground metal powder. Natural colors contain only natural solvents such as citrus peel oil.
There are four different product groups: Resin, lime, glue and casein paints.
Wall Paints with Casein
Today, products with casein usually have a base of soy milk; in the past they were mixed with whey. Traditionally, casein paints are preferably applied to clay walls or plaster. In principle, as with all wall paints, it makes sense to match the color to the substrate.
For a lime-cement plaster, for example, a lime paint is therefore ideal. The classic woodchip wallpaper, on the other hand, can be painted over with all types of paint.
Resin Paints Are Less of a Wall Paint
Resin paints contain natural resins such as colophony or shellac as binders, and balsamic turpentine oil or citrus peel oils as organic solvents. Plant extracts are often used for coloring. Like synthetic resin paints, these paints are more suitable for permanent coatings on wood or metal, but play only a minor role in wall paints.
Glue Paints Are Not Smudge-Proof
Glue paints made of chalk and glues do not need organic solvents and preservatives. But they can be washed off walls and ceilings – and are therefore not suitable for outdoor areas where it may rain on the wall.
Even lime paints are often not smudge-proof – and are therefore best suited for the cellar. Silicate paints, on the other hand, are very hard-wearing.
What Type of Paint Is Best For Interior Walls – Top Features
School Grades for Opacity of Wall Paints
Use at least one paint with a class 2 opacity in heavily used rooms such as kitchens, hallways and children’s rooms. These paints are much more robust and abrasion resistant. Stains on the wall or ceiling can be removed with a rough sponge without the paint coming off immediately
Preventing Mold with Wall Paints
In the bathroom or kitchen, the paint should contain additional substances that prevent mold. Those who use lime paint can do without chemical additives. The strongly alkaline lime paint forms a natural protection against mold.
Wall Paints for the Children’s Room
In children’s rooms, the paints used should be able to withstand saliva and sweat. In any case, it is important to keep the proportion of volatile organic compounds as low as possible.